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Kmeans Algorithm

Steps: - Given a dataset of size N, randomly initialize k centroids if you feel the dataset can be clustered into k different clusters

\(C = \Set{c_1,..,c_K}\) | Set of K Centroids

\(S = \Set{s_1,..,s_K}\) | Set of K Clusters

Intra-cluster variance is the objective function which has to be minimized in k-means algorithm: Alt text

  • Class assignment

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  • Update centroids

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  • Repeat the process until the cluster centroids change any further, i.e. repeat until convergence

Complexity in one iteration: - k n t k = K clustures | n = No of samples | t = time taken

It is sensitive to the randomly chosen centroids

Clustering performance

Silhouette Coefficient


a : the mean distance between a datapoint and the other points from the same cluster

b : the mean distance between a datapoint and all the other points in the next nearest cluster.


from sklearn import metrics 

# returns the silhouette score